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Bactrian camel diet - bactrian camel diet

01-02-2017 à 12:45:23
Bactrian camel diet
Domesticated camels at the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt. The camel immune system differs from those of other mammals. A camel with its rider playing kettledrums in the Mughal Empire. On display at the Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The shaggy winter coat is shed extremely rapidly, with huge sections peeling off at once, appearing as if sloppily shorn off. The domesticated Bactrian camel has served as a pack animal in inner Asia since ancient times. The study revealed that the two tribes had diverged 25 million years ago (early Miocene ), notably earlier than what had been previously estimated from North American fossils. As many as three regions in the genetic makeup are distinctly different from Bactrian camels, with up to a 3% difference in the base genetic code. Camels are used as draft animals in Pakistan. The long eyelashes, along with the sealable nostrils, help to keep out dust in the frequent sandstorms which occur in their natural range. Domesticated camel calves lying in sternal recumbency, a position that aids heat loss. Speciation began first in Lamini as the alpaca came into existence 10 million years ago (late Pleistocene ). If sand gets lodged in their eyes, they can dislodge it using their transparent third eyelid. The male dromedary camel has in its throat an organ called a dulla, a large, inflatable sac he extrudes from his mouth when in rut to assert dominance and attract females. Camels do not directly store water in their humps as was once commonly believed. In particular, a population of wild Bactrian camel has been discovered to live within a part of the Gashun Gobi region of the Gobi Desert. The existence of camels in Mesopotamia but not in Israel is not a new idea.

Like the horse, before their extinction in their native land, camels spread across the Bering land bridge, moving the opposite direction from the Asian immigration to America, to survive in the Old World and eventually be domesticated and spread globally by humans. The two humps on the back are composed of fat (not water as is sometimes thought). The kidneys and intestines of a camel are very efficient at reabsorbing water. The Bactrian camel ( Camelus bactrianus ) is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. The Bactrian camel and the dromedary often interbreed to produce fertile offspring. Camels are able to withstand changes in body temperature and water consumption that would kill most other animals. The data indicate that this event occurred not earlier than the last third of the 10th century BCE and most probably during this time. Long eyelashes and ear hairs, together with nostrils that can close, form a barrier against sand. The Bactrian camel is the largest mammal in its native range and is the largest living camel. The two broad toes on each foot have undivided soles and are able to spread widely as an adaptation to walking on sand. Another difference is the ability of these wild camels to drink saltwater slush, although whether the camel can extract useful water from it is not yet certain. The face is typical of a camelid, being long and somewhat triangular, with a split upper lip. Discussions concerning camel domestication in Mesopotamia are often related to mentions of camels in the Hebrew Bible. Recent excavations in the Timna Valley by Lidar Sapir-Hen and Erez Ben-Yosef discovered what may be the earliest domestic camel bones found in Israel or even outside the Arabian peninsula, dating to around 930 BC. Camels, in addition to these, also have antibodies made of only two heavy chains, a trait that makes them smaller and more durable. Normally, the Y-shaped antibody molecules consist of two heavy (or long) chains along the length of the Y, and two light (or short) chains at each tip of the Y. Where the ranges of the two species overlap, such as in northern Punjab, Persia and Afghanistan, the phenotypic differences between them tend to decrease as a result of extensive crossbreeding between them.

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